
After class another young boy put me on my desk to fuck. I guess the whole class knew about me. I took him home to fuck in my own bed. I hoped John would catch me.I got on my stomach when Todd, another boy from my class wanted me to let me fuck him. I figured that I might as well enjoy these boys and let them fuck me. Keith came back and said, “Alicia I’m sorry I told the boys.” He then said, “Another guy with a 7” prick wants to fuck you.” I asked, “Keith how many boys did you show the tape of me?”Before he answered another boy came in naked and wanted to fuck me. Phil is the last boy, I hope. He said, “You are my first very fuck Alicia.” His penis is about 8” long. I said, “Please fuck me from behind. You are too big and might hurt me.”I had a thong on and he said, “Keep your thong on while I fuck you.” Even though he had such a big penis, I loved it when he pumped into my vagina. I sat on the bed when he guided that huge penis into me again. It didn’t hurt when he fit the entire. My palm on her clit and my middle finger sliding along her lips and inside her. "God Danielle, you are so fucking tight." I could barely fit my finger in. I was thinking there was no way I was going to get my cock in her tight young pussy. But the female body is indeed miraculous. "Just wait and see Lee. It's going to blow your mind." Upon saying that, she swung her leg over mine and started running her pussy lips along my cock again. Coating my head with her pussy. Then she started to sit down, just a little. It felt like the tightest glove I'd ever try to put on except it was on my cock. She just kept lowering herself a tiny bit and then lifting up. She was biting her lip and I had my hands on her hips, just feeling her move ever so slightly up and down. "Fuck, you're a big dick mother fucker. God damn, I'm going to take you for a ride you'll never forget!" With that she pushed down hard. I felt like my dick was going to rip at first she was so tight. She had taken about half of my.
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